Sound Art for Environ-Mental Change

Posted by lemur47 on 16 October 2024

Since 2015 we've always had fun with sound experiments. In the first phase, we played a guitar tuned to 432 Hz, which made us feel loose. In other cases, we meditated with a variety of different frequencies, such as 528 Hz, 396 Hz and other solfeggio scales.

In the last 5 years we've taken a different approach. Using several tuning forks, a singing bowl, some crystal quartz and our own voices, we've been observing how our minds shift and our states change. This includes creating some sound art using a variety of frequencies and tuning methods.

lemur47 · etheric creation process

And this week, we found an interesting result in sound art and water.

We don't want to share all the current information with you here, because this is still at an inspiration level and we don't want to confuse you with uncertain information. If we unwittingly share our ideas without making sure they're reproducible, it works like fake news in the Internet world or in any media.

But there're 2 things we can share with you here: Our objectives and the significance of the experiment.

  • Prepare to take part in the planetary terraforming project
  • Develop the blue ocean market from the red ocean battleground

In preparing for the terraforming project, we strongly think that humanity must focus on improving the environmental conditions on Terra (our planet) rather than terraforming other neighbouring planets, such as Mars and Venus. We already have incredible issues to solve here.

This doesn't just mean that we need more startups to solve hard technical problems. It does mean that you and I must first prepare ourselves to make a change. This basic requirement of any alchemical transformation has been completely ignored in our civilisation.

Prepare ourselves, then fix the things.

This is the basis of vibrational frequencies. It's an alchemical requirement to transform things with your own state. It's the way to change information density on a large scale. In other words, the technical requirement of vibrational fractal and structural topology.

In our opinion, the planetary terraforming involves sound vibrations, like endless mantras, that are exactly taking part in forming and sustaining something. As you already know, birds sing their songs with a variety of different sounds and vibes. They're forming the atmosphere as a whole. The same thing is happening everywhere with the planetary virtualisation.

Your microcosm is the same. Just as the hidden tradition in Japan encoded and used their own voices to activate and accelerate the so-called Kundalini energy, you can prepare yourself with sound art. Your daily habits and regular practice of vibrational change will naturally lead you to the new technology.

And this preparation process gives you plenty of inspiration during the experiment.

In 2017, while travelling in Laos and Cambodia, we had an important inspiration. In Laos, while cycling around the city, we just realised that there might already be a technology to solve the environmental problems like plastic waste. And we didn't know what it actually was, but we knew subconsciously that it had something to do with sound vibrations.

This awareness gave us a vision of the near future. People collect the resources they used to consider waste or worthless to make a living. This vision was very vague and business-oriented, but it gave us the existence of unknown technology to solve the environmental problems.

It's a seed for the development of the blue ocean market from the bloody battleground of the red polluted ocean. Invaluable technologies for the common good may have been hidden for a long time. But we feel that they're gradually being revealed through the alchemical transformation of the genetic mind.

So we're constantly updating our research materials on the replica of the genetic mind that is the public git repository, including sound art.

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