Open Your Mind Technologically to Feel Expanded

Posted by lemur47 on 4 October 2024

Just as we used to, we think you've never examined yourself as a systemic anchor and technological device for sending and receiving reality.

This planet is so unique in terms of magnetism or female-energy that most people think of gravity. Anti-gravity is a kind of non-constructive idea of how to solve problems, but if you change the way you think and act from it to a more open-minded way, we believe you'll find a completely different approach.

Some of the reasons why you feel so heavy and small are related to the vibrational frequency and the interaction between your device and the planetary system. Counter-intuitively, it's possible that you're increasing your information energy density while making yourself a lightweight instance as part of the human mind system.

A lightweight human device

This material is based on the artwork called "anti-gravity" created in 2021. But lately we think that it's not appropriate to use the term "anti-gravity" and it's better to call it "lightweight human device".

The words we use determine how we perceive the world. Changing the words we've been using is about moving and expanding our perception to understand the world in a different way. When you unlearn and temporarily discard the old mindsets and credos, you'll be able to find new things to solve problems.

If you think like, "This art is completely wrong! Because the heart chakra is not yellow or gold," you may be trapped in the little box of deception systems. It's called the traditional mind cage.

If you're more open to new things, you've immediately understood that your heart-sensing system is not limited by a little heart-shaped symbol, because you've already noticed that there's a green but invisible network around it.

Always using the same scale or an oversimplified singular mental model leads us to the wrong place. If we always think in a very linear way, our goal is always very far away.

The same applies to mind technology and planetary virtualisation. When you free your small mind, which is the brain-oriented one, from the constraints of strange mathematical formulae and dogmatic science, you're giving yourself permission to explore the world as a pure child in a very inter-dimensional and multi-dense way.

The words we use determine how we perceive the world. That's why we don't add detailed explanations to the material. The reason we only add supplementary descriptions is that the new era of transparency and complexity demands that you and we perceive things without or with fewer words.

To stop thinking linearly is to stop using the words developed with the concept of linear space-time. It means that when we perceive things visually and structurally with our whole selves, we feel so light and big without bloating our ego systems.

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