Don’t Let the Deceptive Systems Suck You Dry

Posted by lemur47 on 26 September 2024

Human data store. Just as we suck the resources out of our planet Terra, you and I are being exploited as data stores for the wealth and happiness of others we don't really know.

Data store is a kind of repository or storage and it can be seen as a data-point or end-point in terms of abstract and agile manipulation. In other words, you're an organic IoT device.

Human Data Store

Abstract manipulation focuses on the management of the system on a planetary scale, including the extinction of certain species. This management system is a core concept of the hive-mind manipulation or back-room ruling system. It's because the human reps have thought that they're the admins authorised by the ancient deities. Whether they've a physical body or not, they're extremely attached to the ruling hierarchy, because the hierarchy is their lifeline.

In the case of ruling systems and styles of manipulation, we don't mean that there're a very few people who control global events from the micro to the macro level. Both conspiracy theories and anti-conspiracy theories oversimplify issues related to systems and structures, as well as experts and authors think that civilisational systems are the same as a particular ant colony.

When it comes to the universal law, we tend to think that similarities are equal to the law. But the truth is that similarities are similar features, models are models, data is data, not the universal law.

This virtual universe and planetary civilisation is developed with very advanced organic technologies across multi-dense and inter-dimensional realms. This means that we can't identify the universal law just by what we see.

Agile manipulation is a similar to the culture of venture capital and major record labels. We used to work as part of both cultures, finding, sourcing and using new technologies and resources for their purposes. It's the same as the ancient funding system, and the system has 2 sides - investment and enslavement.

Why do you think the family register, tax and pension systems exist?

The same thing has happened throughout human history. Our entity objects and genetic inheritances have been strictly enslaved and manipulated within the virtual universe. Primarily, our entity objects are free from such a ruling system, but our entity objects have been captured and observed by other species.

So we don't have to worship any species that rule us. And we've never had any reps and admins above us.

Knowing how you and I have been taken advantage of by others gives us power. It's because we understand the structure, which is the form of information energy, and it gives us a clue as to how to break it and dismantle it. It also allows us to stop resonating with the form. To stop resonating with unpleasant information energy means is to stop giving vital energy to the structure.

And most importantly, whether superior or inferior, the ruling structures are vibrational fractal and structural topology. So once you know the basics, you'll be able to eradicate similar structures.

The greatest problem is distortion. Originally it's a pure joy for us to serve our True Source, but for the ancient ruling system of investment and enslavement, we've suffered from serving others. That's because we were forced to serve others without our deepest desires.

The concept and content of service must be replaced with true meaning. And that's what will activate our true missions.

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